The Kidco Door Jamb is designed in one piece, so that there are no places for your children’s little fingers to get caught in.
There are no federal or industry minimum standards established for products such as locking devices, latches or similar items. Because of these areas of concern, KidCo is a founding member of the Global Safety Cooperation (G.S.C.). Together with respected manufacturers around the world, and with combined decades of experience, the G.S.C. establishes meaningful and measurable standards of performance for the products its members manufacture and market throughout the world. These standards include performance testing for push-pull exertion levels, material non-toxicity and durability, product functionality and ease of use, reliability and overall effectiveness. Comes in a 3 pack.
- One piece construction with no removable end caps, springs or sharp edges
- Absorbs shocks, protecting doors and walls
- Large screw fits securely into existing hole
- Available in White or Beige
- Available for gift wrap
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